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The Importance of Timely Prayer and Making Up Missed Prayers in Islam
Jan 25, 2024
Layla Abdullah-Poulos
contributing writer
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Image source: Pexels
Layla Abdullah-Poulos
contributing writer
It was a crisp, quiet morning, and the moon's pale glow hung in the sky when I woke up. The clock read 4:30 am, a few minutes before the Fajr prayer time. I had been working late into the night, crafting words and sentences for an upcoming article, and fatigue had dulled my senses. In the warmth of my blankets, the temptation to simply close my eyes for a few more minutes was overpowering.
When I woke up again, I glanced at the clock. It was 5:45 am! My heart sank. I had missed Fajr. Guilt washed over me like a tidal wave. How had I let this happen?
I had always taken great pride in my commitment to prayer, and this slip hit me hard. The feeling of neglecting my duty to Allah weighed heavily on my soul.
But in Islam, there is mercy; there is a way to seek redemption for missed prayers. And so, with a heavy heart, I set out to make amends. After the sun rose and the world began to wake, I performed ghusl, the ritual purification, and then returned to my prayer rug. I offered the Fajr prayer I had missed with utmost humility and sincerity.
As I bowed and prostrated, I felt overwhelming relief and gratitude. It was as if my guilt had lifted with each prayer movement. Allah's (S) mercy enveloped me, reminding me of His boundless forgiveness. I had made a mistake, but through my actions and repentance, I was on the path to rectifying it.
The experience of missing Fajr prayer and then making it up is a powerful lesson for me. It highlights the importance of vigilance, humility and seeking forgiveness when we fall short in our faith. Missing our salah is serious business and not to be taken lightly. But it does happen, and Allah's (S) mercy is always accessible to those who sincerely turn to Him.
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In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to let our priorities shift. Performing the five daily prayers is one of the most fundamental and essential practices for many Muslims. Not only do these prayers serve as a direct connection to Allah (S), but they also offer a sense of discipline and spirituality to our daily routine. Let’s explore the importance of performing prayers on time, the guidelines for making up missed prayers, and how to address a period of laxity in prayer.
The Importance of Praying on Time
The significance of performing prayers on time cannot be overstated in Islam. It is one of the pillars of the faith and a constant reminder of our submission to Allah (S). Quranic verses and hadiths emphasize the importance of adhering to the prescribed prayer times. Allah (S) says:
Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah in a devout (frame of mind).
Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:238
This verse encourages Muslims to be diligent and committed to maintaining their prayer habits and to approach their prayers with a devout and focused mindset. It serves as a reminder of the central role of prayers in a Muslim's life, emphasizing the importance of consistency in performing them.
Our beloved Prophet (saw) also stressed the importance of prayer, saying:
The covenant between us and them is the prayer, so whoever leaves it has disbelieved.
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) conveyed a profound message about the importance of prayer in this hadith. He stated that the covenant between believers and Islam is the act of prayer itself. This means that prayer is a fundamental aspect of the faith and a symbol of one's commitment to Islam.
The hadith sternly warns against neglecting or abandoning the prayer, equating such negligence with disbelief (kufr). It serves as a strong reminder of the gravity of missing prayers and underscores the necessity of upholding this essential pillar of the faith.
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Missing prayers in Islam is potentially detrimental to a Muslim's spiritual life, connection to Islam, and relationship with Allah (S). Performing prayers on time is a direct and intimate connection between the individual and their Creator. Through these prayers, believers communicate with Allah (S), seeking His guidance, forgiveness and blessings. Neglecting or missing prayers can gradually erode this spiritual connection, leaving a void in one's heart and soul. Additionally, regular prayer is a purification process, cleansing the soul from sins and impurities. Missing prayers may allow these impurities to accumulate, hindering spiritual growth.
Prayer instills mindfulness and constant remembrance of Allah (S) throughout the day, helping individuals maintain their moral compass and stay on the path of righteousness. In essence, missing prayers not only jeopardizes a Muslim's spiritual well being but also weakens their bond with Islam and their relationship with Allah, making it imperative to uphold this essential practice.
Making Up Missed Prayers
Life can be unpredictable, and there may be times when we miss one or more prayers due to various reasons. In Islam, guidelines for making up missed prayers are known as Salatul Qada, meaning “fulfill the prayer.”
Steps to Make Up Missed Prayers:
1. Intention: Sincerely intend to make up the missed prayers solely for the sake of Allah (S).
2. Order of priority: Start by making up the missed prayers in the order they were missed. Begin with the most recent one.
3. Timing: You can make up missed prayers at any time, as there is no specific time frame. However, it is encouraged to perform them as soon as possible.
4. Number of missed prayers: If you've missed multiple prayers, it's important to calculate and track them to ensure they are all made up.
5. Recitation: While making up missed prayers, recite the same surahs and takbir as in the regular prayer.
Addressing a Period of Laxity
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Sometimes, individuals may go through periods of laxity in their prayer routine. It's always possible to return to regular prayer and seek forgiveness from Allah by following these steps:
1. Repentance: Sincerely repent for the neglect of prayers during the period of laxity and seek Allah's forgiveness.
2. Start anew: Begin performing the five daily prayers regularly, ensuring they are performed on time.
3. Extra acts of worship: Engage in additional acts of worship, such as voluntary prayers (sunnah and nafl), to strengthen your connection with Allah (S).
4. Consistency: Maintain consistency in your prayer routine and never underestimate the power of regular supplication.
Missing Multiple Salah
Missing multiple prayers, especially to the extent of neglecting them for years, represents a significant departure from the core principles of Islam. It reflects a period of spiritual laxity and disconnection from one's faith. Such a prolonged absence from the practice of salah can have a profound impact on a Muslim's spiritual life, leading to a sense of emptiness, guilt, and distance from Allah (S).
However, Islam is a religion that values repentance and redemption. Even after years of not offering salah, a sincere return to the path of faith is possible and highly encouraged. Seeking forgiveness, reintroducing regular prayer, and making a sincere effort to reconnect with Allah (S) can gradually mend the spiritual void created by years of negligence. It serves as a testament to the mercy of Allah (S), who welcomes His servants back with open arms, reminding them that it is never too late to rekindle their faith and devotion through prayer.
Performing prayers on time is a vital aspect of a Muslim's life, reflecting our devotion and submission to Allah (S). We can make prayers up with sincerity and dedication if we miss them. Even if we have been lax in our prayers for an extended period, returning to regular prayer is both possible and highly encouraged in Islam.
Remember, Allah (S) is most merciful and forgiving, and He awaits our return to Him through prayer and repentance.
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